
So, each weekend we are faced with “where do we go and what do we explore this weekend?” This past weekend we decided on Versailles! The palace of the King and where Marie Antoinette set up shop at just 15 years old. I didn’t know much about her before our Fat Tire bike tour and then by going to Versailles you see an even great glimpse of her crazy lavish life. She eventually was beheaded in her 30’s and was hated by every person in France. Kind of a sad life if you really think about it.

So, we took a quick train ride out to the city of Versailles and walked through the huge golden gates and started touring the palace. It’s really big and tons to look at. Almost too overwhelming. You start wondering “didn’t I already walk through this room?” Everything starts to look the same. Pretty nonetheless! So my favorite part had to be walking through the gardens. I can only imagine how much more beautiful they are in the spring when everything has just bloomed, but seeing the rows of yellow and orange trees was pretty perfect too.

Here are some photos of our day!

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