
last year at this time i was really thankful that february was a short month. that sooner rather than later i would be meeting my sweet boy for the first time. my due date was the 26th. just 20 short days from the day that God ordained my boy to enter this crazy world. he had other plans though. 8 days later actually seemed like a better time to greet us.

this year, i am not so glad that february is a short month. i want to savor and squeeze as much out of these last days before my baby turns 1! i honestly cannot believe that one whole year has almost passed. it’s so true when they say “blink and they’ll be all grown up.” Well, can I just stop blinking? i love this boy so so very much. he is so busy, silly, funny and sweet. he’s got his favorite things; books, drumsticks, maggies water bowl, burp rags, and his train. he loves going on jogs with us, going to the park and getting in the swing and finding all the things in the house that are a “no-no.”

when we lay him down to sleep he lays his head on our shoulder and it’s really just the best. i get those few minutes to rock and snuggle him before i leave him to sleep. he loves going on errands and being out and about. he really is a great baby. i love having him with me and taking him places. he’s a fun little man to be with.

parenting has shown me more of my need for Jesus than anything else, ever. i imagine that it’ll continue to do that as Asher gets older, we move into more discipline and even have more kids at some point. i know and see that i cannot do this without him. i acknowledge that apart from him i can’t parent Asher well. i can’t discipline him out of love or grace. i can’t make wise decisions without the holy spirit. between getting irritated, mad, impatient, annoyed and fearful at some point during the day i can see how selfish i can be! i am so thankful for the grace the covers all of that. my greatest hope and prayer for Asher is that he sees home as a safe place where he can see and experience the gospel. where he can be himself and feel loved and cared for. i want to keep him close. i know that can seem controlling but it’s actually a command!

“and these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” deut. 6:6-7

we want to be faithful and give Asher clear guidance and direction. we want him to know who his source of discipline comes from. this is such a challenge! i need jesus for this!

sweet boy, these past 11 months have been the best, really. you are a gift and you are treasured. i am going to get you up from your nap and kiss you all over. i love you, tiny man.



2 thoughts on “11.

  1. Katie – this is so sweet! Really, you made me tear up a little. I know that you and Scott are amazing & super fun parents. Asher is a lucky little man!
    This makes me excited for us to have some little ones one day… much later. 🙂

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